The first message of the representative of Wali Faqih and the new Friday Imam to the people of Qazvin

In his first message to the people of Qazvin, Hojatoleslam Hossein Mozaffari invited them to attend Friday prayers tomorrow.
The text of this message is as follows:
Bismillah al -Rahman al -Rahim
In this way, while appreciating the supreme leader of Imam Khamenei (al -Awali) for installing humiliating as his representative and Imam of Qazvin Friday and wishing for a blessing and dignity for that blessed existence, as well as thanks to the former leadership and former Friday Imam. Qazvin, Ayatollah Abedini, and the wish of more success for them, I consider the opportunity to be the great spirit of Ayatollah Razwan Allah, and God bless the Imams as a wage of decades of service. I have a problem.
Also, while congratulating the Fajr decade and the celebrations of the Shabaniyyah, I celebrate the memory of the great leader of the revolution, Imam Khomeini, and the martyrs of Valamqam, and ask the general public and all institutions and apparatus. I commemorate the national and religious occasions of these days, refrain from installing any banners to congratulate me, and with their presence in Friday prayers and political Friday, the glory of faith, unity and unity and a deep bond with the province. They want the sacred system of the Islamic Republic.
Hossein Mozaffari
(tagstotranslate) Hossein Mozaffari (T) Qazvin (T) Representative of Wali Faqih and Imam Friday of Qazvin