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Mosques are the center of social and cultural activities of neighborhoods

According to Mehr News Agency, Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Alamulhadi said at the gathering of Friday imams of flag cities that was held at Wilayat Mashhad Hotel: The Prophet (PBUH)p) When sending Amir al-Mu'minin (A) Regarding the war in Yemen, considering the situation that this country had in terms of civilization and economy, they said “E Ali! Do not fight with anyone until you invite him, I swear to God! If God guides someone by your hand, your innocence is better than what the sun shines on him, and you have guardianship over him.”

The representative of the religious jurist in Khorasan, Razavi added: Based on this statement, the Prophet (PBUH)p) The purpose of this military movement was not to open the country and develop the territory of Islamic rule, but the purpose was to humanize, guide and guide the people; In fact, this vision is the focus of all special social movements and programs that should be carried out by the successors of the Prophetp) be executed

He continued: Amir al-Mu'minin (A) that the Messenger of God (p) He said: “God, have mercy on my successors.” And he repeated this three times. It was asked that E Prophet of God your successors Who are they? He said: “Those who come after me, narrate my hadith and tradition, and teach it to people after me.”

Alam al-Hadi by stating that the core of the main mission for all people and those who want to fulfill the mission of the Prophet (p) To do their duty is to guide the people, he clarified: Mosques before the revolution were one of the streams and guidance centers for the people.

The representative of the religious jurist in Khorasan Razavi said: Imamate of the mosque is a full-time job for a person who wants to use its capacities for the development of religion and people's orientation towards God and piety.

Referring to the presence of different classes in the mosques, he added: During the pre-revolutionary era, when I was the Imam of a mosque in the southeast of Tehran and in a deprived neighborhood of the city, all my time was spent on missionary and religious activities and I had no time to do anything else. At that time, we had to inform the people about Pahlavi's autocratic rule and the principles of the revolution, with Pahlavi agents constantly attacking the mosque.

Alam Al-Hadi stated: Alhamdulillah, our efforts and activities made this mosque a base for social and revolutionary activities; After the revolution, in addition to my other responsibilities, I spent part of my time in mosques.

The representative of the religious jurist in Khorasan, Razavi, considered the location and status of mosques as a great asset for the imams of the congregation and noted: The problem we have in mosques today is the way the imams of the congregation deal with the mosque, the imams of the congregation do not consider the mosques as a place of guidance that people should follow. make it the center of his movements.

He continued: The imams of the mosques can establish a friendly and sincere relationship with the people to establish social and cultural activities in accordance with the goals of the revolution day and Islam. Therefore, if the mosques are managed with such an approach and planning by the imams of the congregation, we can say that this platform has been properly and adequately exploited.

Alam al-Hadi by saying that according to the saying of the Holy Prophet (p) There is a connection and dependence between offering prayers and the life of the Islamic government, he said: If mosques are activated as cultural and social centers, the revolution will take root among the people, and the revolution and the system will be strengthened to the same extent.


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