دسته‌بندی نشده

How many cancer patients are diagnosed in the country every year?

Ali Mutlaq, an expert in radiation oncology and a member of the faculty of Shahid Beheshti University, said: Based on The latest statistics are about 190 per year A thousand cases Newly diagnosed with cancer. The most common type of cancer among men is prostate cancer and among women, breast cancer. This statistic shows the high importance of prevention and early detection in cancer control.

Provinces with higher prevalence of cancer

He added: In the provinces where the average age of the population is higher, the incidence of cancer is higher. Meanwhile, provinces such as Sistan and Baluchistan have lower prevalence due to the lower average age.

Air pollution and its relationship with cancer

Mutlaq continued: The International Agency for Research on Cancer announced in 2014 that air pollution can increase the risk of some types of cancer, especially cancers related to the respiratory tract. Although the exact amount of risk attributed to air pollution is not yet fully known, its negative impact on public health is undeniable.

He added: There is a wide range of medicines for cancer patients, many of which are covered by insurance and the support fund for special and incurable patients. Insurance coverage for these drugs is between 70% and 90%, but paying a 10% to 30% deductible may still be challenging for some patients.

Free chemotherapy services in public hospitals

Mutlaq continued: In order to support cancer patients, chemotherapy services are provided free of charge in government hospitals, which is an effective step in reducing the financial burden of patients and their families. These statistics and services emphasize the importance of increasing public awareness and strengthening Health infrastructure is emphasized for cancer prevention and treatment.


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