دسته‌بندی نشده

Cooperation between the environment and the University of Tehran in the field of wildlife

According to Mehr news agency, Hassan Abbas Nejad visited his home at the same time as celebrating Clean Air Week the technologist Environment of Tehran University and meeting with the officials of the Faculty of Environment of this university, pointing out the importance of changing traditional approaches to creative and scientific methods, said: We can no longer respond to today's environmental issues with old thinking and past approaches. In areas such as waste and air pollution, we need innovative ideas and solutions, and knowledge bases and new technologies will play a key role in this field.

He stated that about 50% of the environmental challenges of Tehran province are caused by executive and management issues, and said that trust in the accurate implementation of plans and the use of existing capacities can help reduce problems. Polluting units can play an important role in the field of studies and implementation of environmental projects.

The Director General of Environmental Protection of Tehran Province continues to have constructive interactions with the University of Tehran and Khaneh the technologist The environment informed and clarified: in order to solve the challenges of soil, air and waste pollution, we must help the house. the technologist The environment of specific projects should be defined and we emphasize that these activities should not be limited to research and have a concrete output.

Pointing to the need to focus on practical projects, he said: planning to implement several operational projects in the field of waste management and soil pollution with the help of the house the technologist Environment and knowledge bases are essential. In addition, the implementation of a memorandum of understanding with the University of Tehran in the field of wildlife has begun, and this cooperation will be expanded in other environmental fields as well.

At the end, Abbasnejad stressed: We are ready Am To provide new solutions to solve environmental problems by using internal capacities and creating interaction with large polluting and industrial units of the province. Our approach is based on innovation, technology and collaboration to achieve tangible and operational results.

This meeting was held in order to establish coordination, description of duties and determination of people and institutions related to the executive team from both sides, and technical and strategic suggestions were presented by experts and managers of both university and environment institutions. It was decided after appointing the executive director and head of the secretariat the technologistInstitutions, professors and competent people should be invited to the next meeting.


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