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A response to the mental knots of teenagers and young people in the Itikaf ceremony

According to Mehr News Agency, Hojatul Islam Naqeebpour, referring to holding the Itikaf ceremony in 280 mosques of the province, said: So far, 35,000 people have confirmed their registration and forecast We hope this figure will reach 40 thousand people.

He added: 13,000 Yazdis committed suicide in 1401, which increased to 26,000 last year and will reach 40,000 this year.

The Director of Islamic Propaganda of Yazd continued: Nearly 15,000 apostates are formed by teenagers and young people, which shows the false claim of the enemies that people, especially young people, have run away from religion.

Naqeibi stated: In this year's Itikaf, next to the solitude of the pilgrims with God, there will be gatherings and circles of knowledge and explanation to open the mental knots of the youth, and the female and male missionaries have been trained to answer the doubts and questions of the teenagers and young people.


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