The victory of Gaza proved that the only way to fight global arrogance is to stand up

According to Mehr News Agency, the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Islamic Council issued a statement regarding the announcement of the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, the full text of which is as follows:
enough Allah, the Merciful, the Merciful
The noble nation of Iran, the free people of the world and all lovers of justice and resistance
The announcement of the cease-fire agreement in the Gaza Strip and the withdrawal of the fake and child-killing Zionist regime once again shows the victory of the fierce resistance of the oppressed Palestinian people and the failure This is it The cover of this regime is resistant to the will of God and the nation. This historical development showed the world another manifestation of the invincible power of faith and perseverance against oppression and tyranny.
Faithful and unbreakable resistance of the people of Gaza in the past 15 months has become an irreplaceable model for the free people of the world. A nation that, despite bearing the heaviest crimes of modern history, including genocide, destruction and inhumane siege, managed to shake the foundations of the Zionist regime and make its spidery structure undergo an irreversible earthquake. This great victory proved that the only way to fight global arrogance is to stand on the principles and values of resistance, not compromise and surrender.
The supporters of the Zionist regime, including the Western powers who provided the ground for these horrible crimes with their weapons, financial and political support, must be held accountable in history. These crimes, which are a clear example of genocide and crimes against humanity, deeply wounded the world's conscience and left no room for doubt that silence or complicity with this cruelty is a clear betrayal of humanity.
The Zionist regime, which started this massive aggression with the hope of dominating the Palestinian nation and weakening the resistance front, has now been forced to fail against the perseverance and faith of the people of Gaza. This event reminds us of the clear message of the Holy Quran, which says in Surah Al-Imran, verse 160:
“God bless you Fala dominant Lakme(If God helps you, no one can defeat you)
Yes, the people of Gaza, with their sacrifice and resistance in the path of their divine ideals, were the realization of this divine mission.
The National Security Commission of the Islamic Council, while condemning the crimes of the Zionist regime and welcoming the ceasefire agreement, emphasizes:
The international community has the duty to break the silence against the crimes of Gaza and take action to completely stop the killing and genocide, the withdrawal of the occupiers, immediate relief to the oppressed people of Gaza and the reconstruction of the destroyed areas.
The trial of the criminal leaders of the Zionist regime as war criminals in international courts is a legitimate and necessary demand that should not be neglected.
Hoping for the day when all the oppressed nations of the world will be freed from the shackles of arrogance and oppression and justice will rule the world.