دسته‌بندی نشده

The services of servants for the demands of pilgrims in Umrah

According to Mehr news agency, according to the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Seyyed Abdul Fattah Nawab, the representative of the Islamic jurist in matters of Hajj and Pilgrimage, visited the headquarters of the Umrah operations during his trip to Makkah.

In this visit, Nawab Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin emphasized the need to facilitate the visit of pilgrims to Masjid Al-Haram and pointed out the proximity of hotels in Makkah as one of the reasons for easier visit.

The representative of Wali Faqih in matters of Hajj and Pilgrimage also asked the management of the Umrah operation headquarters to present plans to make it easier for pilgrims to access the Al-Haram Mosque based on the experiences of several months of being in this responsibility.

Referring to the importance of transportation, the leader of Iranian pilgrims reminded the need to increase the quality of accommodation, food and other services provided to pilgrims.

The representative of Wali Faqih in matters of Hajj and Pilgrimage considered it important to pay attention to the wishes of the pilgrims and to satisfy them and stated: The servants should show flexibility to the demands of the pilgrims as much as possible because this flexibility creates a positive feeling towards the guardians of Hajj and Umrah. It creates visitors.

During this visit, the representative of the Supreme Leader inquired about the reasons and reasons for the delay in some Umrah flights, as well as how to send the deceased in the Land of Revelation to the homeland from the relevant managers.

Headquarters management, financial affairs, transportation, nutrition and aviation were parts of the Umrah operation headquarters, which, while presenting the work report, expressed their views on ways to provide better services to pilgrims.


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