The retreat of a lovely retreat with an infinite lover; The children who turned away

Mehr News Agency, Provinces Group- Shirin Slob: Itikaf as a religious duty, based on the teachings of Islam, is considered an opportunity to be alone with God and think about life conditions, and in these days, people can attend mosques, away from everyday worries and busyness of life, to think and deepen their spirituality. .
The Itikaf ceremony is held with passion and enthusiasm throughout the country every year Mashginshahr Also, like other cities, registration for participation in this spiritual ritual started a month ago and according to the head of the Islamic Propaganda Department Mashgin city, 815 people have participated in itikaf in 9 mosques, 2 imamzadeh, of which 530 sisters and 285 brothers are participating in itikaf.
A quiet retreat for a fruitful presence
Some think that itikaf is withdrawal from society and a kind of isolation and escape from social responsibilities, and with his itikaf, the retreatant enters a world of carelessness about his surroundings. In response, it should be said that Islam has strongly rejected staying in places of worship and staying away from communities and has encouraged Muslims to participate in social activities.
Itikaf is the tradition of the prophets who had social responsibilities and whose aim was always to save human societies. Knowing the rules of itikaaf and participating in the group of pilgrims, one can understand well that even itikaaf, which appears to be running away from the community and staying in the mosque for a few days. , does not conflict with social commitment and sense of responsibility towards society.
The mosque is filled with the smell of God
It's near sunset, pilgrims are preparing for iftar and prayer, the aroma of knowledge is wrapped in the mosque, the color and smell that is supposed to accompany the guests for another year.
Inside the mosque, silence is everywhere; Some are sleeping and some are praying. If you listen carefully, you will hear the whispers of the kingdom, which are the result of the quiet conversation of these earthly angels with God.
Here, no one is like anything, the fragrance of the Kingdom wafts through all the rakats. The devil becomes a prisoner of man, and the true man who reviews himself in solitude these days belongs to color may return And everyone's share according to the size Sajjadah Ash will be
Among the martyrs, a 2-year-old girl catches my attention. He has already entered the field and has come to the retreat with his mother. Her mother says about the feeling of her presence in the spiritual ceremony of the retreat, the fact that we are here and we pray from morning to night and we have a night life at night is a good atmosphere. I have nothing to do, I left the world and stuck to God and I feel good that I am being noticed by God.
Hojjat-ul-Islam Reza Bawqar, Friday imam of the city Mashginshahr He stated: I'tikaf has a profound effect on the purification of the soul, in fact, it is the connection of man to divine power, which causes spiritual and spiritual vitality of man, and this worship provides grounds for self-improvement and removal of bad qualities from the soul and soul of man.
Stating that I'tikaf is a collection of the best acts of worship, he said: “It is an opportunity to clean the rusts of the heart and gain wealth and the baggage of the journey to the hereafter, and in fact, it is entering the field of great jihad and fighting against the ego.”
Participation 815 Mashginshahri In the spiritual practice of retreat
Hojjat-ul-Islam Sadegh Samadi, head of Islamic propaganda of the city Mashginshahr In a conversation with Mehr reporter, he said: I'tikaf is one of the most important factors in the education of the young generation, and if we want to educate the young generation religiously, one of the contributing factors in this way is the spiritual duty of I'tikaf.
Acknowledging that the ritual of retreat was revived thanks to the Islamic revolution in the country, he clarified: strengthening the faith of young people is the best weapon to counter the cultural invasion, and we all must serve the pilgrims who are fasting and purifying themselves in the mosque. and they make a commitment of closeness in their worships, let's try.
Head of Islamic propaganda of the city Mashginshahr By pointing out that holding a spiritual retreat ceremony in 9 mosques in the city Mashginshahr It is being held, he added: 530 women and 285 brothers are among the 815 people registered in the retreat, who are praying in the mosques of the city for three days.
Itikaf is a good place to stay away from sin
Itikaf is a spiritual ceremony where we really lighten up. Maybe I wanted to come for several years, but I couldn't, as if I was confused all these years, but when we come here, we find the right way, and when a person asks God, he definitely does not return empty-handed.
Days of retreat, hanging out with the best pious people
14-year-old Roya, who participated in the retreat ceremony with her friends, said: Retreat is a good place to stay away from sin, to be present, and due to the good atmosphere that prevails here, we found good friends.
9-year-old Zahra, who participated in the ritual of I'tikaf with her grandmother for the first time, added: “I'tikaf for us, who have just reached the age of obligation, is a glorious celebration of the secret and need with God and gratitude for His blessings.”
The third-year middle school student who participated in the Itikaf ritual with his friends described the days of Itikaf and spending time with the best pious people and disregarding worldly material as very lovely.
In a corner of the mosque, I was attracted to a teenager who was alone in secret and need with his god. I got curious and got closer to his God. I am the victim of my rebellion; Don't want it like this Makder that I have come, I will not return from behind all the windows with raised hands, look at my slavery and free me from the bond of belongings, give me a voice.
Upon hearing these sentences, silence suddenly filled my eyes and the rain poured more heavily on my cheeks. Yes, this is how solitude with God is.
yes Itikaf is a lesson in getting closer to God step by step, a lesson that many believe children will understand sooner and better because of their pure conscience and will take it with them as future capital.