The main point of the enemy's cultural invasion is the youth

According to the reporter of Mehr Hojatul Islam, Muhammad Mahdi Sharif, at the opening ceremony of the Children's and Adolescent Office in Sari's artistic area, stated that the main point of the cultural attack is focused on the adolescent and the young, and said, therefore, the area of the adolescent and the young should be A attention We should have a special one because this area is the main ground that the enemy is bombarding.
He pointed out that the field of art has always been under the care of the Supreme Leader and continued: Today, our main issue should be the field of teenagers, and the Supreme Leader has a special time for today's believing teenagers.
Director General of Islamic Propaganda in Mazandaran, pointing out that this year's retreat was special and many young people participated in it, considered it a sign of the community's beliefs.
Pointing to the importance of narrative literacy, he said: the audience should be young and their mental system Based on Educational field Cadresari to do
Hojjat-ul-Islam Sharif Tabar stated that the formation of youth activism cores is an important matter and said: Today we came to the conclusion that we must bring students into the field for success and interaction in the school.
The manager of Islamic propaganda of Mazandaran emphasized that individual work no longer works and emphasized the need to pay attention to group and front work.