Mohajerani: ۱۵۰ Improvement is dedicated to the Calaberg project and the provision of livelihoods

According to Mehr News Agency, a spokesman for the government, Fatemeh Mohajerani, said in a televised interview on Wednesday, February 23, in response to a question about the government's plan to reform the price of gasoline. Without expert work and without preparing people's minds, the government will not do so, though it knows that the price of gasoline at the current rate is very low, without these two conditions will not do anything about rising gas prices.
Mohajerani added: “We have to conclude with the people, not only political, but it means that we must be able to accompany people with the government in economic matters.”
Referring to the rate of gasoline, he emphasized: “We Natra And we are faced with insufficient energy management, the production rate of gasoline is much higher and we spend a lot of money on production, but it doesn't mean tomorrow we are going to increase its rate.
Increased exchange rate rise is not a factor
A government spokesman said: The seventh plan for the government has identified that by launching a currency exchange system, currency was priced in supply and demand, it was a month ago, and it was natural that the exchange rate was naturally due to supply and demand flow. Went up.
Mohajerani said: Increasing the exchange rate is not a single factor, the exchange rate is subject to international currents, and political, economic and social issues are related to each other.
He continued: What is known as the exchange rate in the government and official markets is about 6,000 tomans of currency exchange center system; The currency price has been constant in this market for about two weeks, but what is being traded in informal markets and offered at a rate of 4,000 USD, sometimes due to speculative interventions.
The government is working for national interests and reducing pressure on the people
Mohajerani said about the president's request and the revolutionary leader's consent to re -draft the FATF at the Expediency Council, said: “The two CFT and Palermo treaties are in question that Iran does not do anything, we Money Laundry We don't, but we pay for it, we don't help terrorism, so why should we pay for the job we don't do?
“The point is that if we delay some of the treaties, even with neighbors, Shanghai and member states, he said. Brix We cannot have banking and economic relations.
A spokesman for the government emphasized: The process of leaving Iran from the blacklist of the Special Financial Action Group is not simply realized and Time -consuming But our way will open in many international interactions.
“All the government's actions are to improve the country's economic situation, we do not work for the pleasures of others, but we work for national interests and reduced pressure on the people,” he said.
Mohajerani reiterated: The government understands what problems they face when people's rights are so low and inflation is so high, while the President thinks of its impact on people's livelihoods when making any decision.
There is a good interaction between the state and the parliament
Immigrants said in another part of this Voice He pointed to the relationship between the government and the Islamic Consultative Assembly and said: The impeachment is the right of the MPs, the forces of three One And all those who serve the system only have one concern, and it is in the interest of the people.
He said: “It is natural that the difference of taste should not prevent the interests of the people, not everyone looks at different issues, but in the interests of the people we must act on rationality and collective wisdom and whatever the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution. .
“There is good interaction between the government and the parliament and there is no worry,” a government spokesman continued.
Judge without hearing all the delicate words in Davos It's not reasonable
In response to a question about the reaction of some radical currents to the statements of Mohammad Javad Zarif, Vice President of Strategic Vice President at International Summit DavosSaid the judgment of others' conversations without hearing all his words is not reasonable; It is not rational to comment on a person's talk.
He added: “The answer to any question has an introduction, body and conclusion that should be taken into consideration.”
A government spokesman stressed: “I am unlikely to know that some of the delicate words at the summit Davos Listen and have a look at the fact that he is one of the valuable assets of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
“I invite all those who criticized his talk Once His conversation at Davos See in full.
۱۵ The efforts are devoted to the Calaberg design and the provision of livelihoods
A spokesman for the government pointed to the allocation of the Kalaberg project and the provision of livelihoods to subsidized deciles, adding: “This credit will be allocated within the next few days and we hope that this plan will continue and can help people's livelihoods.”
Immigrants cited all the efforts of the government to create a sense of satisfaction and service to the people and said: “I sincerely apologize for all the shortcomings that exist and promise to strive to improve the situation.”
(tagstotranslate) Fatima Mohajerani (T) Calaberg (T) Households' livelihoods