Behdad Salimi became the head coach of the national weightlifting team

According to the Mehr News Agency, citing the Weightlifting Federation, the head of the Weightlifting Federation, Sajjad Anoushirvani, after two weeks of examining the coaching options of the national team and holding three face-to-face meetings with the members of the technical committee of the federation, in separate rulings, appointed Behdad Salimi as the head coach of the national adult weightlifting team and Sohrab. He introduced Moradi as the head coach of the national youth and youth weightlifting teams.
Behdad Salimi, the champion of the 2012 London Olympics, the holder of three gold medals in the Asian Games and four gold medals in the World Championships, won his team's championship at the league level in recent years with an international coaching certificate. Sohrab Moradi, who has Rio Olympic gold, six World Championships and Asian Games gold in his career, was a coach in the national weightlifting team for the past year.
Accordingly, in the senior national team, Ali Jabari will be a coach alongside Behdad Salimi, and in the national junior and youth teams, Javad Naderi and Ali Nosrati will continue to work as coaches in these two categories. Besides, in the coming days, he will add another coach to the technical staff of the senior national team.
In the women's section, with the decision of the weightlifting federation, Seyedah Elham Hosseini, Mina Asfouri and Abrisham Arjamandkhah were appointed as the coaches of the women's national team, and the new round of weightlifting girls' training will be held under the supervision of these three coaches.